Theory of Knowledge-教育之道
This book collects all audio courses of a WeChat channel the “Theory of Knowledge”. This set of courses has a total of 40 lectures and has been run for three years. It has been favored and praised by many parents of primary and secondary schools. It takes one of the core courses of the International Baccalaureate Organization, the “Theory of Knowledge” as outline. It introduces a set of the latest cognitive concepts and educational methods in the world. It establishes a complete education system based on the essence of knowledge and children’s cognitive instincts, which takes education back to its original nature and finally opens a road for education to develop more healthily, which I believe is the way forward for education.
Education is facing many challenges and problems in knowledge content, teaching methods, and selection mechanisms. The reason may lie in the nature of education. Everyone probably ignored the original intention and essence of education for the sake of good marks. Through this book, you will find a refreshed perspective on the nature of learning.
Through many years of educational practice and helping countless students, I noticed the range of difference in ability, personality, preference, time, condition, environment and goal. How do you find a suitable education for all of them? It is not an easy job. The education system should not be closed, it should be open, so that children can both test and further their abilities in a relatively relaxed environment. Learning is staged for everyone at different ages, which results in different behaviors, such as reaction ability, memory ability, language ability, logical ability. It is not fair to ask them to be the same. This book mentions a variety of cognitive styles, giving children the freedom to choose their own way and maximize their learning abilities.
We all know children can pick up and master languages quickly at a young age, without any formal education. Like plants, they can grow up well without much help. This is the innate ability that nature bestows on all living things. Most of the learning methods mentioned in this book come from these innate abilities, which I strive to implement as a guard to protect children’s precious abilities used in their childhood.
I hope this book will serve as a lighthouse, pointing out the direction for children’s learning and the future development of education.
If you have any questions, please contact us here.
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这本书收集了微信公众号《知识理论》中的全部音频课程。这套课程共有40讲,已经播放了三年,受到很多中小学家长们青睐和好评。 它以国际文凭组织的核心课程《知识理论》为主线,介绍了一套国际上最新的认知理念和教育方法。它从知识的本质和孩子们的认知本能上,建立了一套完整的教育系统, 从而使教育返璞归真,终于走上一条健康发展的道路,故称之为教育之道。
现在国内外的教育都面临很多挑战,从知识内容,教授方式和选拔机制等方面都有很多问题。虽然大家都在努力做一些改善和弥补,但还是有很多无奈,成效也不大。其原因可能出在教育的本质上,大家为了成绩,忽视了教育的初衷和本质。 通过这本书,大家可以重新了解一些学习的本质和方法。
我多年的教育实践,和无数的学生打过交道,让我深深的认识到他们无论在能力,个性,喜好,时间,条件,环境和目标上,都是千差万别的,怎么找出一套适合于他们的教育,确实不容易。教育系统不能封闭, 应该是开放式的,这样才能让孩子们在比较宽松的环境中,充分发挥出自己的能力。学习对每个人来讲都是有阶段性的,比如人的反应能力,记忆能力,语言能力,逻辑能力等等,在不同的岁数,表现得都不一样,比较男孩和女孩,他们的差别很明显。如果要求他们一样,好像不太公平。这本书提到了多种认知方式, 给了孩子们自由度去选用他们的学习方式和展现他们的学习能力。
另外我们不能不提一下ChatGPT,这是一种由 AI 技术驱动的自然语言的处理工具,可以人机对话。它具有有超级大脑的功能,无所不知无所不晓。不得不让人们担心,未来教育的知识内容和价值。如果我们的教育还是以知识内容的考试来衡量学生们的学习成绩和能力,那么ChatGPT将会取代我们的教育。如果我们采用这本书的教育理念,有些学习方式和方法是ChatGPT不能取代的,那样一来ChatGPT只是一个好用的工具,它代替不了教育,也不会代替人。
这本书的内容,虽然我尽力把它和现实以及文化结合讲,但还是有些东西不容易接受和理解。不必着急,慢慢来。从思想的高度,如果能理解它的出发点和目的,就很好了。它的大部分内容都是纲领性的,像是抛砖引玉,大家可以学会它所采用的方式方法,活学活用到学习和生活中,那样就更能发挥这本书的价值和作用。 之所以把它起名为教育之道,也包含了这层意思,希望它能像灯塔一样,为孩子们的学习和社会教育的前途指明方向。